Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday in Cambridge

To say that this summer has had its share of weird weather would be an understatement. Incredibly hot and humid weather in June gave way to what seemed like daily thunderstorms and rain in July and August. So as summer quickly and sadly is coming to an end, I had no other plan for this weekend other than to get out and try to enjoy the (finally) perfect weather. After an excellent Figgs show on Saturday night (not to mention an equally kick ass set on Fri night), I pulled out the new camera and took a walk into Central Square on Sunday morning to meet up with the family for some breakfast at Miracle of Science. As a side note I should mention how thoroughly happy I am to have discovered breakfast here- it's always been a great bar but somehow I never realized they had such a good, cheap breakfast menu. I'm not sure what this says about the rest of my personal life, but this is one of the most exciting discoveries I've made in a long time.

Anyway, while sitting at breakfast we quickly realized that something different was going on when a 90% naked woman wearing a headdress walked by the restaurant. A quick walk up Mass Ave after breakfast confirmed that we were not hallucinating, but it was Caribbean Carnival Day in Cambridge. Or, better put, the complete and utter insanity that is Caribbean Carnival Day in Cambridge. Barely controlled chaos is probably the best description I can think of. Here's a few pics from the parade.

One thing to point out here is that the "floats" are basically rolling speaker rigs. I go to a lot of concerts at venues of all varieties, and I can honestly say that I have never experienced something as loud as one of these trucks. This pic shows about 3/4 of the length of one truck, and the back and total length of the other side are lined with speakers as well. My ears are still ringing.

The family had enough at this point, so they headed out and I stuck around for a little while longer before needing to get away myself. In search of some serenity after the ear shattering music, I walked up Mass Ave towards MIT to see the chapel there. It's one of those places that I knew of but in 9 years have never seen, and it is an amazing building. Built in the 50s and designed by Eero Saarinen, it's a bit like stepping into another world- not only because of the surreal design, but also because of how quiet it is despite the noise and traffic outside. Hard to do justice with photos- this is definitely a place to be experienced. Here's a few anyway.

After stepping out of the peaceful confines of the chapel, I made my way a bit further up to the Mass Ave bridge for a few more pictures- not the most original, but no less of an amazing view on a day like yesterday.

The older I get the more I think about moving out of the city, but it’s days like these that make me wonder why I would ever leave. 


Listmaker said...

i have days like this in ny as well that make me never want to leave.

great post.

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