Tuesday, May 20, 2008

On and on and on...

Another day, another primary win for Hillary that will mean little to nothing in the long run. But she continues on as if this victory actually increases her viability, stumbling along until she either wises up and drops out in June, or fights her way to the convention in an effort to overrule the primary process through the superdelegates.

I say this not as a big Obama supporter- he's fine but I am generally underwhelmed by him as a candidate. I voted for him in the primary, which was a rare opportunity as a liberal in Massachusetts to vote for the losing candidate. But choosing between him and Hillary is like flipping a coin for me- I just want whoever is going to beat McCain. And I believe either one of them could do it so I wish they would just get on with it already. 

Anyway, this is a long way of saying that despite my apathy for Obama, I'm very impressed by his ability to mobilize people and generate excitement for his campaign. If he can keep creating scenes like this one from Sunday, I'll feel very good about November. 


Hott Mama said...

This photo gave me vertigo. I'm not sorry he has so many followers, but just the thought of a crowd that size makes me feel dizzy and panicky.

STEVE DePINO said...

almost looks like a photoshop trick