Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Put on your sunday shoes

A few miscellaneous items before leaving the steamy city for the long weekend. 

- I've been seeing this floating around for awhile, but just got around to checking it out today and enjoyed what I heard. Had I known that it was the entire Footloose soundtrack I may have just written the whole thing off as boring ironic covers, but as the heart wrenching story behind the whole project suggests, there is a lot more going on here. Also, I love free CDs that come with ready made cover art. Worth a listen. 

- Nuking the fridge is the new jumping the shark. 

- Speaking of Indiana Jones, here's a funny review/commentary by someone who really hates this movie. I never wrote about this but I should say that I actually mostly enjoyed this movie, but found a few things unforgivable. 
1. The ending. I realize that all of the Indy movies dabbled in the supernatural, but this was ridiculous. Plus, the only other one that really went over the top with the supernatural was Temple of Doom with the whole weird voodoo thing, and that was always the weakest of the three.
2. The swinging with the monkeys scene. My fear for Crystal Skull was that George Lucas would get his paws on it and include some of that Jar-Jar type kids stuff (that I don't even think kids really like and everyone else hates) that he seems to be so into. Luckily there wassn't too much of that, but this was just weak. I'd be more inclined to believe that Indy would survive the damn nuclear bomb in the fridge than accept what happened this scene. 

- The Corner. In anticipation of season 5 of The Wire coming out on August 12, I wanted to take a look at this mini-series that was the launching point for it. I'm halfway through, and man, this is some depressing stuff. Really strong performances by about half of the cast that would later make up The Wire, but it paints such a dire and hopeless picture of Baltimore.  3 more episodes to go and I'm not confident that it's going to end happily. 

- Finally, in honor of the Footloose covers, my favorite moment from Flight of the Conchords. 

(and after that watch this to see how true to the original this is. Does anyone remember taking this movie seriously?)


Crispin H. Glover said...

That Indiana Jones edit is sadly pretty dead on. I forgive nothing in the film - it was entirely joyless from beginning to end. Shia leBeef is one of the worst actors I've ever seen and the 50s nostalgia crap was painful to watch. Harrison Ford was hobbling at the start of the film and bored to tears by the end. Horrific.

I'm interested to hear your reaction to the second half of the Corner. So many good actors and an amazing script. Incredibly depressing, mainly because you end up falling on love with half of the people in the film. The last 10 minutes crippled me.

Jimbama said...

I was amazed by how many people from the Wire are in it. So weird to see them in such different roles though, especially a "good guy" like Freamon as an addict. Disc two is on the way...

Crispin H. Glover said...

I love Freamon and most anybody in either of these two shows. All brilliant actors who deserve more work wherever they want it. Disc 2 will ruin you.

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